压力清洗和甲板清洗101 -第1部分

在这里 All Pro 洗,我们将向你展示如何压力清洗你的甲板. 这是一个由2部分组成的系列,从第1部分开始. 你要做的第一件事就是评估形势. 我甲板的楼下其实很糟糕. 这很容易清理. Then we’re actually going to go and do the upstairs which is quite a bit more worn.
现在, 你要确保的是, 你要确保你从上到下. You also want to make sure that you clear anything out that could get messed up from debris. 我们今天不会使用化学药品, but if you use chemicals it’s even more important to get the stuff cleaned out from underneath the deck. Today what we’re going to be using is we’re going to actually be using a vortex pressure washer. 这被称为产消加.
And basically this unit is a prosumer unit which means that it’s not quite professional-grade, 但它肯定可以做一些大的工作. And, it’s definitely on the high end of what you would call a consumer grade. 所以,这绝对是在家里做任何你需要做的事情. What we have on this machine is a couple things; one we have a triplex plunger pump. 这个三柱塞泵可以让你重建. It’s one of the things with a lot of pressure washers where the pumps are pretty much so disposable. 而且,如果它们坏了,你就无法重建. 但这个是可以重建的. 它还有很多其他的选择,下面有一个冷却软管.
That cooling hose actually allows you to go in a bypass mode without overheating the pump. One thing when you’re getting started with any of the vortex pressure washers that have the oil on the top which is for the pump oil is that it usually comes with a red shipping cap. 这是一顶通风帽. 另一个是不通风的帽子. 当你发货的时候,什么都不会泄露. But you want to make sure you remove the red cap and put in the permanent cap.
很明显,可以开始了. The other thing you’ll want to do is make sure you check your oil and you have a good full ol. And then make sure you have clean gas and then from there you hook up the hose and make sure that you have a good water flow.
It’s also very important that when you are going to pressure wash that you wear the right clothes, because it’s tempting on a warm day to throw on your flip-flops and walk out with some shorts on. But, this pressure washer can put out 2,750 psi and three gallons per minute. 这些数字我们稍后会详细讨论. The important thing is that that can really do damage to your skin if you for the one gets loose or if it starts banging around and you get a slice across your foot. Having the right shoes on and having the right pants and being also very keen with protective glasses, 以防有什么东西飞回来,最重要的是把眼睛绑住. So when you’re getting started, the key is that you have to have water to the machine.
That’s always a clean water scenario where you want to have the best water flow you possibly can. Vortex actually builds their pumps in a way that there’s straight shots with why filters on the bottom. And this fly filter allows you to clean that out in case debris gets in there. 春天来过很多次, people will have dirty garden hoses and they hook them up to a pressure washer and that will get debris into your pressure washer really quick. 一旦它在里面就很难取出来了. 有内置的屏幕和白色皮带,以使其工作. 另一件很重要的事情是要有足够的压力. 所以如果你的水压很低或者你从井里跑出来, usually you’ll be okay but you want to make sure that you look at your manual and have enough pressure flowing through there. 通常是花园的水管, when you hold it up if it’s squirting outward and not just dribbling down, 你会没事的. 但一定要有足够的压力. 所以高压清洗机总是有干净的淡水流过. 接下来你要确保你连接了快速连接.

When you hook up your Quick Connect, what’s really important is that it locks into place. 很好,很紧. If it’s not tight and what ends up happening many times it’ll just pop off. So now that we’ve got it hooked up we’ll turn on the water and make sure we have good flow. 现在 that our water is turned on we can definitely take a look to see if we have flow. The best way to do that without a tip on is actually just pull the trigger and you can see that there’s good flow out of out of the one.

Another question I get many times is how much pressure and flow do I really need to clean my deck properly. 事实是,唯一的问题需要1,500磅的压力才能把甲板做好. (The same applies to any roof cleaning if you have been able to check out 所有专业洗涤 网站.然而), if you start with a small electric unit or a small gas unit that only has low flow, what it does is it actually creates a lot of pressure in a very focused area. 但是你移动的泥土越多越好. So you will be cleaning a very small area at a time it will be like using a pen to paint a wall versus using a roller. What’s very important to understand is that you have to have a good combination of pressure and flow. 这就是区别所在. 我们会用到一个工具,但实际上, because we have enough flow along with the pressure that we have it’s going to make this job much much quicker. It’s important to understand that you have pressure and flow and the more flow you have the better ability to have to clean faster. 你需要做的下一件事是决定你要使用哪一个技巧. 这个单元有4个不同的提示.

小贴士真的可以调节你的压力. 很多人都没有意识到这一点, but the tip is actually what creates the pressure and regulates it at the actual end of the wand. 这里我们有一个0度的尖端. 0-degree tip is actually one that you would use here, the red one for blasting. 它的尖端是直的,没有风扇. 然后你出去,从不同的角度出来. 这是你的15度小费,用于重清洁和封闭的rin. 然后这里越高25度然后是40度尖端, 越宽的区域你就越能切割和清洁, but also the less pressure actually going to have at the point of contact. 对于压力清洗甲板,我会从25度的尖端开始. 如果你有少量的清洁,你可能会上升到40. 但大多数情况下你都是25岁. And if you have something real stubborn you might actually move down to the 15. So we’re going to take the tip out and we’re actually going to insert it into the end of the one. You want to make sure that it clicks in nice and solid and that it’s fastened. Because these will shoot when you turn on the pressure washer if it’s not locked into place.


如果你需要压力清洗甲板的话, 天井或车道, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today by checking out our 网站 sky-pang.com.

压力清洗和甲板清洗101 -第2部分


